No matter how rough work you have to do. Regular use of tibet snow will keep your hands smooth and velvety.
Use of tibet snow after shave will avoid irritation in minor cuts and inflammation in the skin. Tibet snow is a prevention against blackheads and pimples.
Its use not only makes faces charming and fascinating but keeps off dust.
Tibet snow turns unpleasant odour of perspiration in armpits into most desirable flavour.
Sportsmen use tibet snow before going to and after coming from playground. In the former case tibet snow makes skin dust-proof. In the latter case small particles of dust are removed very conveniently. Hence skin remains free from all diseases.
After long walk, massage of tibet snow on feet not only keeps skin natural soft but it is a prevention against corns particularly in old age.
Note: If the snow get hard owing to climatic effects a small quantity of slightly warm water may be mixed and this will bring the snow to its original quality.
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